The Small But Mighty Marketing Show – Episode 03
Bond and Nudge: A Simple Filter To Writer Better Emails

Have you ever found yourself sitting down to write an email to your audience (because…ya know…it’s ‘email day’) only to discover that your creative well is looking distinctly dry?
But because it’s email day you pound the keys and produce an email anyway, even though in your heart of hearts you know it’s a bit meh.
If it’s any consolation you’re not alone.
“I don’t know what to write about” is a refrain being muttered up and down the land by marketers most days, even by those of us who write every day.
But what if there was a simple filter you could apply which would help you write BETTER emails?
That would be useful, right?
In this episode of The Small But Mighty Marketing Show I’m nattering about the Bond and Nudge Filter.
Bond and nudge is a phrase I first heard from Ryan Deiss of Digital Marketer, and I found it so simple I use it myself and encourage you to as well.
When you can say to yourself ‘What is the purpose of this email’ (and then actually make sure it has a purpose) you’ll avoid that all too common mistake I see business owners make – annoying their audience with boring, pointless emails.
Time is one of our most precious commodities and the time your subscribers give you to read your emails shouldn’t be abused by sending out emails which have no purpose!
So whether it’s relationship-building emails or promotional emails – use this helpful ‘filter’ to make sure you’re writing with purpose.
Plus when you watch the video you get a peek at the stunning coast where I live (feast your eyes on those cliff folds!)…and why sharing your own “cliffs” is no bad thing when it comes to marketing:

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Feel free to hit the ‘Share’ arrow on the video if you’ve found it useful.
And if you want help coming up with compelling bond and nudge emails for YOUR audience get in touch.
Seaside walks come as optional (but highly recommended!) when you work with me.
Here’s the transcript of the video of you’re a reader rather than a watcher…
Hi, it’s Tanya Smith Lorenz, and in today’s Small, but Mighty Marketing Show I’m doing a clifftop production as you can see, and I’ll explain why in a minute.
First I want to talk to you about a handy filter that you can run your emails through when you’re sitting down to write emails to your audience. That is, “Is my email a nudge email or a bonding email?” Let me explain what I mean by that.
Ideally there are two things that you want to be achieving through emailing your audience. Now obviously, I’m not talking about transactional emails here, things like, “Here’s your password” or “Here’s your receipt.” Those are transactional emails. I’m not talking about those.
Is This Email Bonding With My Audience?
I’m talking promotional and relational emails. So the purpose of your relational type emails – be that things like your newsletters or “Here’s what we’ve been up to.” – that type of thing, it’s to bond with your audience. It’s to show that you understand what they’re struggling with in relation to your business. It’s to build empathy. It’s to allow them to see what your business stands for, and to help them get to know, like and trust you a bit more. Those are the bonding type emails, and that’s a good filter to run your email through. “Is this email bonding with my audience?”
Am I Nudging People On The Value Journey My Business Provides?
Then the other one is the nudge type emails. This is where you are nudging someone to take the next step with you on the value journey that you provide. Basically nudging is to help with your conversions.
Now it’s not necessarily always a conversion to a sale. It could be a conversion to consume more content or to attend a free webinar or to book a consultation call with you. All that type of thing. A conversion isn’t necessarily to make the sale. There are lots of other conversions in your business like the ones I’ve just listed. Those are more the nudging type emails.
When you’re sitting down to write your email don’t just do it for the sake of it because that’s annoying. People know whether you’re just writing an email just for the sake of it because “Today’s the day I write my email. I don’t know what I’m going to talk about, so I’ll just whip this email off anyway.”
Run it through that filter, “Is this email either bonding with my audience or nudging them to take the next step on the value journey with me?” That’s a really useful, very simple filter that you can run your email through so that you know you’re hitting at least one of those two things with your email.
What’s With The Cliffs?
Now, I said at the beginning that I would explain why I’m filming here. It’s because this is a part of my relationship building. This is very close to where I live. It’s a stunning part of the North Pembrokeshire Coast. If I was doing a VIP Day with someone, if they were coming here to have help with their copywriting, chances are good that I would be bringing them for a walk somewhere like this.
This stuff matters to me. If someone didn’t like this sort of scenery or wasn’t interested in nature or the outdoors, then chances are we may not be necessarily a great fit to work together.
If you hang your face off your business, if you’re a coach or a consultant, that type of thing, don’t be afraid to put a bit of personality into your marketing like I am with this. I love coming here. I walk the dogs here. You know, you can do that too with your marketing. That’s all part of your bonding exercise with your audience. And it’s just stunning. Why wouldn’t you want to film somewhere like this? It’s a gorgeous late summer day here. The sea is really calm. I brought the dogs, and it’s just fantastic.
I just wanted to give you a peek into where I live, what’s important to me. I love the outdoors and hopefully, if you find that interesting too, then that’s the start of a good relationship between us. I love the outdoors.
Anyway, food for thought today on this beautiful clifftop location and I hope that’s helped you.
As always, come over to There are more articles and some free goodies to help you if you want to find out more.
Okay, bye, bye.