The Small But Mighty Marketing Show – Episode 05
The Simplest Way To Write Better Marketing Copy

What if I were to tell you there’s ONE thing you can do which will help you write more compelling marketing copy – you’d want to know what it is, right?
When I share what this one thing is though, you might be tempted to dismiss it as rather dull and unexciting, because it’s old-skool.
Not a shiny ninja ‘hack’ in sight.
In fact you might be tempted to overlook it altogether, because it smacks a little of work, and you’ll never see it being peddled as the sexy side of marketing.
But if you’re canny enough to check out what I’m talking about, and DO it, your audience will be startled at how well you seem to understand them.
They’ll feel as if you’ve entered the conversation they’re already having in their head, so eerily accurate will your marketing become.
And when it comes to buying, who do you think they’ll be more likely to be drawn to? The competitor reeling off the same bland generic statements everyone else uses….or you, the person who seems to be able to see right into the heart of their unique challenges, and feels like the person who can truly understand their struggles?
The odds suddenly become stacked much more in your favour, right?
So watch this latest episode of The Small But Mighty Marketing Show to discover exactly WHAT this one thing is…

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And if you want help with thoroughly researched marketing copy for YOUR business, so you can have better engagement and conversions with your audience…get in touch.
Here’s the transcript of the video if you’re a reader rather than a watcher…
Hi, it’s Tanya Smith Lorenz, and in this week’s Small But Mighty Marketing Show, I want to share a tip with you which will help you write more compelling marketing copy, whether it’s for emails, or sales pages, or opt ins for lead magnets. When you do this one thing, it will make your copy better. I guarantee it. So what am I talking about?
I mean asking your prospects, your clients, your customers, what, in their words, is the challenge that they are facing around the specific thing that you offer.
So let me give you an example. If you offer something to help people have more self confidence, you would ask your prospects or customers, what are the specific challenges that they face around self confidence – just that. Leave it as an open ended question and see what they say back to you.
Why you can’t see the wood for the trees
Now, here’s why it’s important. When we’re in business, as business owners, we naturally get very close to our products or our services, whatever it is that we’re offering our customers. We get very close to it, and we have a whole different way of speaking about it and thinking about it. We have a whole set of language that we use. Now, sometimes that will be different from the way that your customers might express it.
How assumptions create DISconnections in the reader’s mind
And the problem is that if you make assumptions about what your customers are thinking and you make assumptions about the language that they would be using to describe that, then you’ve got a problem on your hands because you’re saying it in the way that YOU would express it, not the way that THEY would express it. And at the end of the day, it’s going to be them that is reading your sales message and your marketing. So if the language that you’re using doesn’t actually resonate with them because you’ve put it in your terminology, then you’re going to create a disconnection, and you want to avoid that when you’re writing copy.
So it’s super important and it’s something that I see people overlook all the time.
Also, it’s something that you want to continue to do. Don’t just do it once. And you want to do it with people who were at different stages in the value journey with you.
You want to ask it of your prospects, you want to ask it of new customers. You want to ask it of long-term customers and clients as well because their challenges will change as they progress on their journey with you, or in their journey of solving or moving towards solving this problem. Their language will change.
So it’s really important that we don’t make assumptions about the language that people would use to express the challenges and the pain points around the problem that they have that you are trying to solve.
The one tempting thing you must resist
And one other thing as well, because I was working with a client recently and they did this and I had to sort of coach them out of it. Say for example, you’re interviewing a customer about this. When they give you, in their language, what their challenge is and how they feel about the challenge, how it makes them feel, resist the temptation to translate that into different wording.
So here’s what I mean. Resist the temptation. If they say, “I’m really struggling with self confidence to do with work, it’s making me feel this….” resist the temptation to say back, “Oh, so what you’re saying is this…..” and then say it in a different way. I had a client recently that was doing that and was basically trying to translate what they were saying into language that was more meaningful for him, but what it meant was that he was actually losing the language that the customers themselves were using. And that’s really dangerous.
How to enter the conversation your prospects are having in their head
So how do you use this once you’ve done it? What you do is when you get these answers back, you’ll probably see that there are maybe three, four, five themes – five ways of describing the pain and the challenge that keep popping up.
And what you do is you take the language that your customers have given you about the problem and then you feed it back to them in the way that you write your copy, and that way you’re really resonating with what’s actually going on in their minds, how they feel about it, and most importantly, how they would describe it in their words.
So I hope you found that helpful. And as always, if you’ve got questions or you want to read more articles about better copyrighting, head over to my website at and I will see you in the next episode. Bye bye.