The Small But Mighty Marketing Show – Episode 07
How To Overcome Three Common Objections In Your Sales Copy (& Help Your Prospect Make A Buying Decision)

It’s not that I was being indecisive….I’d read from top to bottom….I’d pondered dreamily about how fantastic my life would be afterwards….yet as my mouse hovered over the ‘Buy Now’ button I just couldn’t pull the trigger.
And with a wistful sigh and barely a backwards glance I clicked away, never to return again.
This sad tale of abandoned sales pages and missed opportunities is played out daily on the interwebz – all too often because you’ve failed to understand AND address the reader’s objections.
But rather than ignoring the elephant in the room, you need to paint it pink and make it pirouette in the spotlight.
Suddenly rather than being something to be feared, those dastardly objections become a force for good in your copy, and help the reader REALLY understand whether you can help them.
The worst thing you can do for someone reading your sales copy is to leave them with unanswered questions (aka objections) – your job is to give them enough information that they can make a decision on whether or not they want to buy.
Watch this episode of The Small But Mighty Marketing Show for insights on how to elegantly leap frog right over three of the most common objections your audience is likely to have…

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If you want help greasing your copy to make your reader slip-slide effortlessly right to the buy button, without snagging themselves on thorny sales-stopping objections on the way…get in touch.
Here’s the transcript of the video of you’re a reader rather than a watcher…
Hi, it’s Tanya Smith-Lorenz and in today’s Small But Mighty Marketing Show I want to talk to you about the importance of overcoming objections in your sales copy.
Objection Your Honour!
So first, what is an objection? Basically, it’s a thought, or a belief, or some sort of sticking point that the person reading your copy is having, that’s going to stop them hitting the buy button. Presumably you’ve qualified people to a certain level when they’ve actually arrived on your sales page, and what you will find is that there are certain objections which people commonly have, that stop them hitting the buy button. And I’m going to go through three of those today. There may be more, and you may come up with some very specific ones to do with your target audience, but there are three very generic ones that are very common, so I’ll go through those.
Meh…I Can Do This Myself, Right?
So the first one is, this is especially if you’re selling coaching, information products, online programs, that type of thing – the first objection that people may have is that they’ll be thinking, “Well, I can just get the same results by myself, under my own steam.” And yes, they probably could, because most information can be found on Google completely free, these days, so if they wanted to go down that route they could.
So how do you overcome that particular objection?
Well basically, you need to position the fact that your solution is helping them get to the result that they want faster and easier. So that’s how you deal with that objection.
And also, you can position the fact that they get to learn from the mistakes that the people who’ve gone before them. So chances are, if you’re selling training or coaching, something that you’re proficient at, you’ve been through the learning journey on it, so they get to learn from your mistakes. You’ve made the mistakes so they don’t have to, because you’re giving them the distilled, condensed version of what works, because you’ve made the mistakes and they don’t need to. So that’s how you position that particular objection of wondering, “Well, I can just get the same results by myself.”
You Said HOW Much?
Another common objection is of course price. This is a huge one. Now you’ll go a long way towards overcoming this objection in how you position yourself and what you offer in your overall branding and marketing of course – whether you’re positioning yourself as a premium product, or a high ticket coach, that type of thing. But on the sales page itself you do still need to show the value and put it into perspective.
So one thing you might address the objection with is by asking them, “How much time is it going to save you? What is your time worth? If you take this course and you can learn how to get to this solution within one month instead of a year, then what is that worth to you?” And also, you can obviously position the fact that their results will be better, because you’ve already trodden that path, you’ve done the learning, and you’ve distilled it for them.
And another thing is to actually put it in perspective of what is the cost of staying stuck. You know, if someone can get to the solution within a month, or stay stuck for a whole year more, then what is it worth to that person to get unstuck more quickly, and more easily, with your course, or program, or coaching? So those are some ways to position the value of what you offer, which obviously goes against the price that you’re asking them to pay.
Just Don’t Make Me Wear Egg On My Face, OK?
And the third objection that is very common is people thinking, “Well, would it work for me?” People don’t want to look stupid. When they’re buying something they’re investing in themselves, they’re making a statement about themselves. And often people are quite naturally worried that if it doesn’t work for them they’re going to end up with egg on their face, and looking and feeling a bit stupid.
You want to avoid that, so obviously you want to show proof that whatever is it you offer works. Has it worked for you? You can show your journey of how it’s worked for you.
Social proof is of course very important, because not only do they want to see that it’s worked for you, they want to see that it’s worked for other people, for your clients and customers as well. So that obviously is social proof, testimonials, case studies, that type of thing.
And also, you can include things like a risk reversal guarantee, so that people think, “Well, okay, I can try it for seven days, and if it doesn’t work I can ask for my money back.” Not everybody offers a guarantee for their products, some people position themselves specifically as not offering a guarantee, because they don’t want to encourage tire kickers, but most people generally do offer a risk reversal guarantee.
So there we are, that’s three common objections and how to overcome them in your sales copy. If you have any questions give me a shout, go to for more handy tips on copywriting, and I’ll see you in the next video. Bye bye.