You Want More Leads, Clients and Sales,
and To Know What Moves People To Choose You.
Conversion Copywriting Is What Joins Up These Dots

Maybe you’re fed up with marketing campaigns which never quite hit their full potential, or frustrated that too often it seems like the results aren’t worth the effort.
I sympathise. And you certainly wouldn’t be the first business owner to feel that way.
There’s got to be a better solution, right?
Wouldn’t it be great if you could peer inside your clients’ heads and hearts, figuratively speaking, and see exactly why they’re deciding to buy from you, so you could get more clients just like them?
That’s where I come in…
Let’s dispel an unhelpful myth…
Writing conversion copy is not a guessing-game.
It’s a process of researching and mining the data for the many clues your current and prospective clients leave in their wake:
- What their problem is they so dearly want to solve (in relation to what you offer)
- Why it matters so much to them that they’re willing to do practically anything to make it better
- What they really want from the solution (that thing you offer, even if they don’t even know it exists yet) – and trust me, it’s rarely the fantastic ‘features’ of your thing they truly want.
The research and discovery I do is all about uncovering the compelling reasons why your people will choose YOUR solution over the next person’s.
I Blend The Power of Emotion and Logic Into Compelling Conversion Copy
Only once I have the research and discovery information do I begin to pull together the marketing message.
Even though they often don’t realise it, 9 times out of 10 your clients make their buying decision based on emotion, and then once they’re committed, justify it with logic.
This is why it’s critical your marketing message speaks to both these core needs.
Miss one out and the message veers off track, leaving the person it’s aimed at confused and unconvinced (i.e. not jibing with you, and not converting on what you’re offering).
My copywriting process focuses on speaking to the heart and the head, to present your message persuasively to your audience.
All Marketing Is Testing
Audiences change, market awareness and sophistication changes, and your business is always changing too.
That’s a whole lotta change, but it’s not to be feared.
No doubt you already understand that all marketing is testing, and embrace that philosophy with an open mind and a thirst to constantly improve.
The beauty of marketing is that it’s not a fossil set in stone, which means you always have more chances to get even better results.
Testing is part of my process, whether it’s something as simple as an email subject line, or full-blown A/B testing. We test, we tweak, and we improve until it’s getting the results we want.

What Conversion Copywriting Does (and Doesn’t Do) For You
The principles and process of conversion copywriting in marketing are what underpins:
- How to attract your ideal audience (and repel the time-wasters you don’t want)
- How to optimise the likelihood of them buying from you
- How to keep them coming back for more and build a loyal long-term client base
But…it’s not a silver bullet which can raise a problem-riddled business from its deathbed.
It doesn’t stand alone, but is just one part of ALL your processes, which also include your brand, your business ethos, your commitment to excellence in how your serve your clients, and more.
I’m here to understand your specific business and marketing needs then work alongside your business and team for the duration of the project, and I very much see my role as one of being a strategic partner.
Is This You? Here’s Who I Can Best Help
Just like your business shouldn’t be all things to all people, I’m not either.
I don’t dabble in all-things- copy. I specialise in launches and email. Here are some of the most common types of projects I’ve helped clients with:
- Email strategy and planning
- Autoresponder / automated email sequences
- Behaviour-driven email funnels
- Launch copy e.g. for courses, coaching, consulting
- Evergreen launch funnel copy
- Webinar campaigns
- List building and lead generation funnels (optins and nurture sequences)
If you need something different, just ask. I might be able to help, or I might be able to refer you to a colleague who is more suited
What About You?
I’m good at helping clients achieve great results with their launches and email marketing if they meet the following criteria:
1. You have an email list, and you have at least attempted to have some kind of email relationship with your subscribers. (Not burning them with endless affiliate offers)
2. You’re established with good standing within your niche, and already have some sort of audience
3. Your email subscribers have opted in for your emails. (I don’t work with cold-emailing rented or purchased lists)
4. You’re actively trying to grow your email list, and you understand the value of having an engaged and growing audience you can connect with via email. (I have a network of media buyers and list growth experts if you need additional help with this)
5. You have a good product or service which you know your audience want and are willing to pay for.
6. You have team members who can help you implement the campaigns I create for you. (Copy and strategy is where I shine, fiddling with tech not so much. If you don’t have team members who do the tech side of you campaigns, I have colleagues I partner with who can take care of this aspect for you)
7. You have a viable business which is making money. I know this seems obvious, but I don’t work with businesses who are starting from zero.
8. You’re cool, and we could enjoy a cuppa together. I like working with good people. People who want the best for their audience, who market from a place of integrity, and who respect the fact that my expertise helps them do this. If you’re someone who likes to micro-manage and is stubbornly resistant to new ideas we’re probably not gonna gel, and I won’t be taking on your project.
It’s Time For The Next Step
As I said at the top of this page, conversion copywriting is designed to join the dots between knowing what motivates your clients to choose you, and using that data in a compelling way for your marketing, to help you get more leads, clients and sales.
So now you’ve got an overview of what I do, it’s time to let me know what YOU’D like help with:
- Click on the ‘Let’s Get Started’ button below. This will take you to my Contact page where you need to fill out the form to tell me about the project you have in mind, or what you’d like help with
- If I can help we’ll have a call to get clear on the details and agree the brief
- I’ll then send you a proposal to lay out what we’ve agreed on
- Then we sign a contract so you can secure space in my diary to work on your project, make the payment, and the project gets underway.